Welcome to SwimMontana
Welcome from the Montana Local Masters Swimming Committee (“LMSC”)!
We are swimmers age 18 and up, and we are fitness swimmers, competitors, triathletes and lap swimmers. From our mission “To promote health, wellness, fitness, and competition for adults through swimming” to our vision “USMS will be the premier resource for adult aquatic fitness in the United States and will make fitness through swimming available for as many adults as possible” we’re all about swimming for fun and fitness.
Visit the USMS.org.
Our LMSC current Board officers are:
- Chair, Donn Livoni
- Vice Chair, Richard Weber
- Secretary, Edie Van Buskirk
- Treasurer, Jeanne Ensign
We have many volunteer positions, some ongoing, some for specific projects. If you are interested in giving back to the sport of swimming this is a great opportunity!
JOIN USMS – Registration year 2020 is live! To join online follow this USMS registration link. You can contact our Membership Coordinator Audrey Wooding with any questions
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