USMS Launches Modified Year-Plus Membership
USMS says…
Over the past month, the USMS Board of Directors has been discussing how best to adjust to the ongoing challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting pool closures, and decided to move forward with the Modified Year-Plus membership. This promotional offer is one piece of the board’s overall strategy.
The Modified Year-Plus membership will allow swimmers who join USMS or renew their membership between now and Oct. 31, 2020, to be a member for the rest of 2020 and all of 2021 for $60. This amount includes all LMSC fees.
We hope the Modified Year-Plus membership will serve as a benefit because it provides an opportunity for swimmers to join USMS for an extended period at a reduced cost. It also benefits USMS clubs and coaches by driving awareness and giving them a simple message to pass along to new swimmers: Join now through 2021 for only $60.
In addition to continuing to offer our already great member benefits, which include SWIMMER magazine, STREAMLINES newsletters, exclusive partner discounts, Swim.com integration, swimming with a local club, and competing in one of our events, we’ll also be introducing new virtual events and an enhanced workout library that swimmers can search to find the right workout for them.
We will continue to build strategies to address what our clubs and coaches are facing as we build a roadmap for the remainder of 2020, 2021, and beyond.
Please contact Club and Coach Services or Volunteer Services with any questions.
We hope you, your family, and your community are staying healthy during these challenging times. Thank you for all you do to support USMS members as a coach, club administrator, or volunteer.
Your Friends at U.S. Masters Swimming
clubandcoach@usmastersswimming.org | volunteer@usmastersswimming.org | 941-256-8767 (SWIM)