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Category: News

Rules Interpretation September 2017

Rules Interpretation September 2017

Charlie Cockrell, USMS Rules Committee Chair, has shared a rules update which takes effect Thursday, September 21, 2017.  The update brings USMS into conformation with FINA and USA Swimming rules regarding the timing systems for world records and the freestyle leg of individual medley and medley relay events.  There is also a wording change to the butterfly rule. The updates were approved and adopted by the Rules Committee at the USMS Annual Meeting at the USAS Convention. Please direct all…

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Summer 2017 News

Summer 2017 News

This email comes to you via Audrey Wooding – MT Masters Registrar. The content is from your club board. All responses will be directed to Glenn DeHekker – MM club president. Hello Fellow Swimmers, We’ve been inactive for a while but all sorts of things have been happening lately, so we wanted to take a moment and highlight them.  The most important is the club’s name change.  During the club elections, the votes came in with sweeping results to change…

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News from Convention 2016

News from Convention 2016

The 2016 USMS Annual Meeting, also known as “Convention”, was held in September in Atlanta, Georgia. LMSC attendees were: Emily von Jentzen (MT At-Large Delegate), Mark Johnston (MT Delegate), Donn Livoni (USMS Open Water Committee Chair) and Jeanne Ensign (USMS Finance Committee Chair). Pre-meeting information, the meeting schedule, meeting minutes and much more can be found on the Convention page of the USMS website. For an in-depth view of Convention from the eyes of a first time delegate, read Emily’s “summary”….

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Welcome to SwimMontana

Welcome to SwimMontana

Welcome from the Montana Local Masters Swimming Committee (“LMSC”)! We are swimmers age 18 and up, and we are fitness swimmers, competitors, triathletes and lap swimmers. From our mission “To promote health, wellness, fitness, and competition for adults through swimming” to our vision “USMS will be the premier resource for adult aquatic fitness in the United States and will make fitness through swimming available for as many adults as possible” we’re all about swimming for fun and fitness. Visit the…

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