Guide to Starting a New Club
Suggestions for Starting a New Club
- Visit nearby pools, particularly where there is adult or lap swimming, to discern any interest in forming a Masters club.
- Post notices of the intention to form a Masters swim club in pools, shopping malls, sports facilities, community halls, or other appropriate places.
- Contact various organizations such as Parks and Recreation, YM/YWCA, university and community colleges, high schools, and community pools to ascertain pool availability and cost.
- Contact triathlon organizations for prospective members.
- Advertise in community newspapers. Many radio and television stations will air public service announcements as a free community service.
- Extol the benefits of Masters Swimming: fitness, fun, friendship and participation.
- Ask other Masters swim clubs how they got started. Invite some of their members to a meeting. A member of the Montana Masters would be pleased to address a group to explain the benefits of Masters swimming and how to get started.
- Form an executive committee from the interested people contacted and choose a name for the swim club. Decide on membership fees, coach’s remuneration, and frequency, starting time and length of workouts. Set some goals: to host a swim meet, publish a club newsletter, or hold social activities. Decide what equipment you will need, e.g. pace clocks, kick boards, pull buoys, hand paddles, stopwatches or lap counters. Major equipment purchases may have to be delayed until sufficient funding is available or a cost-sharing arrangement is worked out with pool management.
- Register your club and each individual swimmer with Montana Masters LMSC, your Local Masters Swimming Committee organization. The annual fee is reasonable and includes several benefits including several from your national Masters organization, U.S. Masters Swimming.
For information about U.S. Masters Swimming in other parts of the United States you can call:
Jessica Porter, Sr. Membership Director
US Masters Swimming
751 Mound Street, Suite 201
Sarasota, FL 34236
Building a Masters Swim Program
Access the Building a Masters Swim Program booklet online. It has helpful information on starting and maintaining a successful Masters program.