Adult Learn to Swim (ALTS) Swimming Saves Lives

Adult Learn to Swim (ALTS) Swimming Saves Lives

Adult Learn-ToSwim Program (ALTS) Swimming Saves Lives
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 37 percent of American adults can’t swim the length of a pool, which puts them at risk of being one of the 10 people who drown every day in the United States.
USMS’s resources and expertise uniquely positions us to address the problem of adult drowning. In 2013, our Swimming Saves Lives Foundation launched the inaugural April Is Adult Learn-to-Swim Month campaign to bring awareness to the staggeringly high drowning rate and to effect change by providing funds to programs offering adult learn-to-swim opportunities in communities across the country.

Want to get involved?

I want to volunteer to help teach adults how to swim; do I have to be certified in order to do this?
No, you do not have to be certified to teach an adult to swim, however, you should learn the proper teaching methods from a USMS ALTS instructor before teaching an adult to swim.

What is a USMS ALTS instructor?
A USMS ALTS instructor is someone who has successfully completed a USMS ALTS instructor certification course and is certified to teach adults how to swim.

Can a USMS ALTS instructor teach me how to teach an adult to swim?
A USMS ALTS instructor can show you the teaching methods that USMS uses to teach an adult to swim, however only USMS can certify you as a USMS ALTS instructor.
All involved benefit – teachers, swimmers and facilities. It’s a win win across the board. How can we as a state of Masters swimmers help facilitate this effort in Montana? What workout groups can commit to putting time and energy into this program?

For more information, class scheduling and more go to the ALTS page on the USMS website

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